
Donate today!**

The great 19th century architect Louis Sullivan declared “form ever follows function.” The beauty of a building will shine through over time if it’s shape relates to its purpose.

At UMBC Hillel our building is our community and the beauty of our students make it shine. We believe in meeting students where they are as they reflect the rich diversity of the contemporary Jewish community, model deeply committed Jewish lives, and dedicate themselves to creating a vibrant Jewish future.

**Donation instructions found below.

UMBC Hillel Tabling on Commons Terrace

Shabbat at UMBC Hillel in the Interfaith Center

Your support will enable a foundation of Jewish community to exist on campus and empower students to innovate and explore their Jewish identity together.

Donate today!**

** Instructions to donate through the links provided:

  1. Click the “Donate Today” link.
  2. Choose the amount you wish to donate and what your gift should go towards in the dropdown menu.
  3. If you have a Paypal account and wish to donate through it, click the yellow “Donate with Paypal” button and follow the instructions. It will ask you to sign into your Paypal account before continuing.
  4. If you prefer to donate with a debit or credit card, click the white “Donate with Debit or Credit Card button.”
  5. Fill in the requested information. At the bottom of the form there is an option to, “Save your info and create a Paypal account.” If you do not wish to create an account make sure to uncheck that button before clicking the last button.
    1. If the final blue button says, “Create account and donate now,” make sure to uncheck the “Save your info and create a Paypal account” button immediately above.
    2. If the final button says, “Donate now,” click it and it will process your gift.
  6. Please reach out to Aliza Silverman with any questions –